NeoPixelBus by Makuna


A library that makes controlling NeoPixels (WS2812x and many others) and DotStars (SK6812 and many others) easy.
Supports most Arduino platforms, including async hardware support for Esp8266, Esp32, RP2040, and Nrf52 (Nano 33 BLE). Support for RGBW pixels and 7 Segment LED direct driven. Includes separate RgbColor, RgbwColor, Rgb16Color, Rgb48Color, HslColor, and HsbColor objects. Includes an animator class that helps create asyncronous animations. Supports Matrix layout of pixels. Includes Gamma corretion object. For all platforms; there are two methods of sending DotStar data, hardware SPI and software SPI.

Author: Michael C. Miller (

Maintainer: Michael C. Miller (

Read the documentation

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This library is compatible with all architectures so you should be able to use it on all the Arduino boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.