Device Control

Allows an Arduino board with USB capabilites to act as a MIDI instrument over USB.

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This library is compatible with the avr, sam, samd architectures so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.


This library allows any microcontroller with native USB capabilities (atmega32u4 based boards or ARM boards) to appear as a MIDI peripheral over USB to a connected computer.

The library is compatible with PluggableUSB-ready cores (AVR core > 1.6.8, SAM core > 1.6.4, SAMD core > 1.6.1)

The library creates the following data type

typedef struct {
    uint8_t header;   // cable + command
    uint8_t byte1;    // command + channel
    uint8_t byte2;    // note number or other data
    uint8_t byte3;    // velocity or other data or zero.
} midiEventPacket_t;

Note that a USB MIDI message contains an extra byte, compared to a UART MIDI message. The header byte is added. Also, while UART MIDI messages are variable length, a USB MIDI message is always four bytes - any trailing bytes not used by a particular message type will be zero.

The library exposes the following functions

midiEventPacket_t read(void);

Read a USB message from USB. If no message is available, the result “header” will be zero.

void sendMIDI(midiEventPacket_t event);

Send a single USB message.

void flush(void);

Wait for all messages to actually be sent.

uint32_t available(void);

Return the number of USB messages that are available and unread.

size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);

Write possubly multiple messages to USB. size_t should be a multiple of four.


  • MIDIUSB_read Trivial example that dumps received messages to Serial debug statements.

  • MIDIUSB_write Trivial example that sends a middle C note lasting 500ms every two second.

  • MIDIUSB_loop Trivial MIDI loopback. Resends each MIDI message that is received.

  • MIDI Device More complex example: implements a MIDI keyboard that scans 7 buttons and sends MIDI NoteOn/NoteOff messages.

  • MIDIUSB_buzzer More complex example: implements a MIDI sound device Uses MidiUSB.read() to read MIDI messages; converts noteOn and noteOff messages to actual tones using the TONE library. Also interprets controlChange to text on Serial, and dumps any other messages in debug format.

  • MIDIUSB_clock Simple example of beat clock based on MIDI pulse messages received from software. Interprets message types 0xF8, 0xFA, and 0xFC

  • MIDI Library MIDIUSB can be used as the “transport layer” for the more advanced Arduino MIDI library.
