
Device Control

I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework which helps you implement Arduino based I2C target (slave) devices for control of non-I2C hardware.
Consists of an easily extensible firmware framework and a I2C controller library. Ready to use modules exist for TFT displays, stepper motors, servo motors, digital/analog pins, ESP32 touch buttons, and TM1638 boards. Supports plain Arduinos, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD, and ATtiny platforms.

Author: juh

Maintainer: juh

Read the documentation


This library is compatible with the avr, esp32, esp8266, samd architectures so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.