

Library for Host boards that interact with BHY2 chip on Nicla Sense ME
Provides the APIs for a host board to interact with Nicla Sense ME board. The host board can be used to make a DFU or configure/read BHY sensors on the Nicla Sense ME via Eslov.


This library is compatible with the samd, mbed architectures so you should be able to use it on the following Arduino boards:

Compatibility Note

Note: while the library is supposed to compile correctly on these architectures, it might require specific hardware features that may be available only on some boards.


To use this library, open the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE and install it from there.


This library provides capabilities for the Portenta and MKR boards to interact with the Nicla Sense ME and poll the BHI260AP and BME688 sensors. This library is included on sketches from the host board (not the Nicla Sense ME board).


  • Easy access to data from Nicla Sense ME sensors from the Portenta and MKR boards
  • Wrapper for Bosch BHY2-Sensor-API
  • Bridge for data to the Arduino IoT Cloud
  • All functionality available over both I2C/ESLOV and BLE


The ArduinoBLE library needs to be installed, for the BLE features to function.

To use this library, use this code at the top of your sketch

#include <Arduino_BHY2host.h>

A UML diagram of the main library classes is provided in the diagram below, provided as an editable SVG file.

Arduino_BHY2 Library UML Diagram


  • Accelerometer : Read accelerometer data from a Nicla Sense ME connected to a host board, and print to the Serial monitor
  • BSEC : Read BSEC data from a Nicla Sense ME connected to a host board, and print to the Serial monitor
  • Nicla_IoT_Bridge : Obtain temperature data from a Nicla Sense ME board and send data to the Arduino IoT Cloud
  • Orientation : Read orientation data from a Nicla Sense ME connected to a host board, and print to the Serial monitor
  • Passthrough : Control the Nicla Sense ME over Serial commands, via a host board using the arduino-bhy tool
  • Portenta_BLE_Bridge : Obtain temperature data from a Nicla Sense ME board over BLE and send data to the Arduino IoT Cloud via the Portenta H7
  • Portenta_BLE_Bridge : Obtain temperature data from a Nicla Sense ME board over BLE and send data to the Arduino IoT Cloud via the Portenta H7
  • Temperature : Obtain temperature data from a Nicla Sense ME board and send it over Serial
